Archived Episodes
27. The Journey to ROL
Join us today as we celebrate something BIG. Our manuscript for Return on Life: Unlocking Fulfillment Beyond Success
117: False Resilience -Navigating the Depths of "Enough"
Join us to today as we explore and dive deep into the intriguing concept of "enough." This is a conversation you are not going to want to miss. Understanding the nuanced distinctions between being in flow and...
The Wisdom in Being
What is our capacity for dealing with loss, and how do we reach loving abundance? In this episode, Anahata talks with educator, author and Modern Elder Ursula Sexton about how we can unlock our resilience a...
Give Thanks
In this episode, Tanya will discuss gratitude. The act of gratitude is very powerful. It will take a person to a different frequency and hence, a different lifestyle. The two words can change your life but speaking...
73. What We Really Want
Join me today as I reveal the ONE thing that we all really want. We don’t really think about it and it doesn’t come up in conversation but it lays the groundwork for everything we do. It is better...
61. Impossible Thinking
Join me today as I answer a question that I received after my podcast from last week: Not Enough. I talked about the software programming that we run called SCARCITY. I offered up one of my favorite too...
43. The Trifecta to Wealth
Join me as I share what I believe to be a unique perspective on wealth. I believe that wealth is not only something you have but something you feel. Most of us think of money when we think of wealth but...
Unshakeable Abundance
Scarcity. Lack. Not Enough. More month than money. Not ever enough time in your day? Every one of us has experienced at least one if not all of the above. Some of us find the expe...
27. Getting To Abundance
We have all been there. The feeling of not enough. The feeling of lack. Conflicting interests. Doubt. Indecision. What if I told you there was not a wrong decision, there is the ...
Eradicating Exhaustion - It's Time to Get Sirius About Self-Leadership
Whether we realize it or not, we are ALL leaders. We live as examples to everyone around us. Sirius is the brightest star in the sky and with the New Moon in Leo on August 8th it's the perfect time to start s...
Fear or Intuition?
Have you ever wondered if you have held yourself back because you have mistaken your fears for your intuition? Have you ever stopped yourself from achieving your goals because you misinturppereted the signs?&...