Archived Episodes
27. The Journey to ROL
Join us today as we celebrate something BIG. Our manuscript for Return on Life: Unlocking Fulfillment Beyond Success
124: Slowing Down Time: Breaking Free from Hustle Culture
Join us today for a thought-provoking episode, where we dive into the concept of slowing down time and challenge the pervasive hustle culture that many of us have been programmed to believe is the ke...
119. You don't have a TIME problem
Join us today where we dive deep into the most pressing topic of modern life. Today, we're tackling the ever-elusive concept of time. If you're like most people, you probably feel like there just aren't enough...
61. Impossible Thinking
Join me today as I answer a question that I received after my podcast from last week: Not Enough. I talked about the software programming that we run called SCARCITY. I offered up one of my favorite too...
60. Not Enough
Join me today as I share with you one of my favorite tools to solve for “Not Enough”. Not enough time, money, food, fun, love, success are all just thoughts in scarcity. Understanding ...
56. The Great Equalizer
Join me today as I share with you the equalizer of humanity. The one thing that we all have in common. The one thing that we all have the same amount of. The one thing that no one can get anymore ...
56. The one thing we all have in common
Join me today as I share with you the equalizer of humanity. The one thing that we all have in common. The one thing that we all have the same amount of. The one thing that no one can get anymore ...
49. The Best 3 Gifts
Join me today as I share with you what I believe to be the 3 BEST gifts in life. None of them are wrapped. None of them are purchased. None of them can be primed to your door. Rather honored...
45. The Cost of Excuses
I hope you will join me today as I have a very direct and honest conversation with you about the cost of our excuses. Our excuses to not show up. Our excuses to not do the work. To stay comfo...
43. The Trifecta to Wealth
Join me as I share what I believe to be a unique perspective on wealth. I believe that wealth is not only something you have but something you feel. Most of us think of money when we think of wealth but...
33. Stop Procrastinating
If you find yourself not taking action in your life. If you find yourself pushing out your tasks, your projects. Kicking it down the road for when you will have more time, more energy, better circumstan...
22. Live Lighter Part 2 - The life you want is buried under the clutter you don't.
We are continuing our conversation around living lighter today – last week we talked about our physical clutter- all of our stuff in which our potential, our possibilities, our life is buried under. Her...