
Archived Episodes

Angels and Light Beings with Francine Vale

Consciousness is Everything!

Consciousness determines our well-being, our success in the world, our relationships. Consciousness is everything! So how do we make that work to our advantage? Tune-in and hear from Francine and Dr. Pat and their ... 

  Tuesday, September 13, 2016

Co-Hosts: Francine Vale, Dr. Pat Baccili

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Angels and Light Beings with Francine Vale

Angel Light Prism - Using Color to Balance Distortion with Francine and Dr. Pat

We are composed of light and sound. Light holds within itself a sacred spectrum of color with each color holding within itself properties of emotional, spiritual and physical influences. Life in third dimension create... 

  Monday, February 8, 2016

Co-Hosts: Dr. Pat Baccili, Francine Vale

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Angels and Light Beings with Francine Vale

Join Francine and Dr. Pat for Angel Healing - Unconditional Love

Angels are beings of light, most of whom have never incarnated into physical form on Earth. Their light has never been altered or dimmed, therefore, by negativity of any kind; they are pure unconditional love. Some co... 

  Monday, January 11, 2016

Co-Hosts: Francine Vale, Dr. Pat Baccili

Guest: Francine Vale

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Angels and Light Beings with Francine Vale

Angel and Light Being Initiation - Initiation Every Time You Tune In

Listen in on the conversation between Dr. Pat and Co-host Francine as they discuss a few meaningful spiritual events in Francine's life. You will become acquainted with Francine's lifelong resonance with and understan... 

  Tuesday, December 1, 2015

Co-Hosts: Francine Vale, Dr. Pat Baccili

Guest: Francine Vale

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