Archived Episodes
Your Call is Calling…Yes or No?
Dr. Pat and Vicki examine how Joseph Campbell’s Hero’s/Heroine’s Journey offers us several Calls throughout our lives, the possible consequences of accepting or rejecting our intuition’s pro...
Quieting the Inner Critic
How to recognize, challenge, and transform the inner critic so you can cultivate self-trust, self-compassion and confidence. Watch
Soul Lessons and Life challenges
Why souls take on life challenges and the lessons learned from them. Watch here:
The Neural Net – Nice or Nasty?
Did you know that you can choose to train your brain just like you can train your body? Are you ready to take control of your thoughts? In this episode, Dr. Pat and I are going to explore how you can build your bra...
Dreaming of a World with Cancer Prevention
February is Cancer Prevention Awareness month. In this episode, we discuss this Transformational moment in history that we are all experiencing. It is not always easy and yet every challenge of our lives i...
The Hiring Manager’s Challenge: Ensuring Right Fit Selections for Hiring Managers and Job...
Selecting qualified people who can fit in and contribute effectively is a key hiring manager challenge, whether you’re a mid-manager or senior executive. When the decision is right, you can relax and enjoy th...
Authenticity & Comparison also known as Being You and Staying on Path
Being Authentic and releasing the need to compare yourself to others! Watch:
Speak It Into Existence - How Your Words Shape Your Energy & Reality
Your words hold power! This episode explores the vibration of language and how the words we speak—both to ourselves and others—shape our energy, mindset, and the reality we experience. From the science ...
Tackling Feelings of Loneliness, Inadequacy and Invisibility
According to Dr. Claire Zammit of Woman’ Centered Coaching, the three main patterns that particularly women across the globe experience are not being good enough, fear of being alone, and being invisible....
Your Soul’s History Lessons with Soul Expression Spiritual Regression™
Exploring your soul’s history with Soul Expression Spiritual Regression™ (SESR™) to awaken awareness of your divine design. Watch here: https://...
Don’t Get Fired Before You’re Hired!-Job Seeker’s Special III:
Today, we’re going to discuss do’s and don’ts in several fundamental areas that can boost your prospects for getting the offer you really want. Watch here:
What is “delusional” thinking?
How the idea of “delusional” thinking emerged when Vicki wrote her second stage play, Does This Make Me Delusional? Dr. Pat and Vicki will discuss what “delusional&r...
What every woman needs to know to Prevent Cervical Cancer
In this episode during the month of January, we discuss this Transformational moment in history that we are all experiencing. It is not always easy and yet every challenge of our lives is an opportunity to grow and...
Job Seeker’s Special II: From the Crowd to an Offer! An Insider’s View
Last week, we discussed the importance being in the moment, being aware, and being the best version of yourself. Today we’re going to discuss specific tactics, or the little things that can boost your distinc...
Your Flourish Evolution: YOU version 2.025
Step into 2025 as the next, most empowered version of YOU. In this episode of The Flourish Frequency™ we explore How to prioritize progress over perfection and embrace g...
The Art of Unbecoming
Have you ever felt like the life you’re living isn’t quite yours? That it’s shaped by expectations, roles, and stories that don’t reflect the real you? What if the key isn’t to...
What do your past lives reveal about you?
Discover how knowing about your past lives helps you have a deeper understanding of your current life. Watch here:
Everything in Moderation…Almost Everything
Are you ready to soar into wisdom? Join Lois and Dr. Pat for the third pearl of wisdom as they dive into the crucial concept of moderation and balance. This episode, titled "Everything in Moderation... Almost Every...
Let’s talk about energy!
The energy around your birth from what was going on with your ancestors - your familial baseline, your parents, when you were in utero, and actually being born followed by what environment you were born into sets u...
Sleep & Circadian Rhythm: Is Your Sleep Ruining Your Health?
Sleep is an underrated activity that humans spend 1/3 of their life doing but many aren’t doing it well. Listen today to learn why sleep is critical and how to optimize your sleep to achieve all-things health...
The Job Seeker’s Special: Rising from the crowd to an offer!
This episode is geared toward job seekers who may encounter assessment requirements that can range from a single personality or aptitude test to a more comprehensive executive assessment. The program will include v...
Flourish Forward: Ending the Year with Wins, Wisdom and Growth
As 2024 comes to a close, it’s time to reflect, celebrate and transform! In this special year-end episode of The Flourish Frequency™ Show, I’ll guide the listeners through my own powerful practice...
Connecting with Your Inner Spirit; Finding your Purpose
In this episode during the month of December, we discuss this Transformational moment in history that we are all experiencing. It is not always easy and yet every challenge of our lives is an opportunity to grow an...
Easy Hacks to Help Make Life Extraordinary
It seems everyone needs more something. It might be time, energy, fun, money, or even efficiency. Add in Autoimmune, and these resources may become even more scarce. Then add in overwhelm, and things can get dicey....