Archived Episodes
A Modern-Day Vision Quest Part 5: Signs, Synchronicities, and Sedona: From Skeptic to Bel...
Part 5 continues with real-life stories about the segue I made from the Personal Growth stage to the Self-Discovery stage and now Enlightenment. As you may recall, I had two key...
A Modern-Day Vision Quest: Stories of Growth, Discovery, and Enlightenment, Part 4 - 1st ...
Thank you so much for joining. What an honor it is that you chose to share time with me. This podcast series uses the art of story telling to share one of the most amazing adventures in life, what I refer...
Encore: My Sin Addiction Caused My Mess: How Do I Proceed In Setting Things Straight?
On this episode of Awaken To Wellness With Angie, Angela will be sharing some encouraging and life changing teaching from the Word of God. It's true, we all struggle with a common addiction called sin, whether many...
"How to Take Ownership of Your Life" with Chris Johnson
Are you tired of second-guessing yourself? Do you feel “imposter syndrome” sometimes? Does it feel easier to stay where you are, even if it doesn’t feel great, than...
My Sin Addiction Caused My Mess: How Do I Proceed In Setting Things Straight?
On this episode of Awaken To Wellness With Angie, Angela will be sharing some encouraging and life changing teaching from the Word of God. It's true, we all struggle with a common addiction called sin, whether many...
The Body's Message
In this episode, Jacqueline and Chris explore the mind-body connection and how harnessing the wisdom of the body and the power of the mind can help us to heal emotionally, mentally and physically. They relate their...
Recovery & Healing Series: There Is More Power In "We" Than "Me"
On this episode, Angela will be continuing with her Recovery & Healing Series. She will be diving deeper into the Word of God to share spiritual truths and provide practical insignt to individuals who are on th...
The human spirit can shine brightly even in unimaginable adversity
Discover how Danielle transformed the pain of her loss into a mission of hope and encouragement, touching the lives of many along the way. Her story is a reminder that even in the face of unimaginable adversity, th...
Caring for Mom – what it tells us about clearing
This show is more about the process we use to remove negative energy rather than just caregiving! We are going to focus on how we are learning about removing negative energy, and just how ...
Turning Pain into a Profit
Jennifer says: "What I thought was the biggest pain in my life turned out I be the biggest blessing of my life. Pain led me to God and God let me to me. I released the limiting beliefs and forgive my father for not...
Emotional Pain is Inevitable-Suffering is Optional with Co-Hosts Misty Blakesley and Mich...
Comparative Trauma Defined and Emotions Explained-And How Your Power Lies in the Ability to Choose Differently.
Transcending Fear & Suffering Through Empathy With Akshay Nanavati
Is it possible to suffer well? Can we transcend fear, stress and anxiety to enhance our internal motivation and reach our own human potential? Veteran, Explorer & Author Akshay Nanavati w...
Love in the Time of Impermanence with Matthew McKay
Collaborating with his late son, Jordan, McKay offers five ways to keep love alive in a world of impermanence. He explores how to see and know what we love, how to actively care for what we love, how to have compas...
You’re Healing
We as a people have done a lot of reflection over the last couple of years. Some of you have found your true calling in life, some of you may have set new boundaries for yourself and your family, some of you may fo...
Healing from Great Loss: Facing Pain and Grief to Recover Your Authentic Self with Ann Cl...
More is needed to recover from significant loss than simply the passage of time. The hurt does not go away unless we actively pursue healing. Written from the perspective of Dr. Michael Newton's Life between Lives ...
Full Body System Wellness- The Cocoon Stage
In this episode, Pam will discuss her experience of the current cocoon stage of her butterfly journey. We will look at full body system wellness as a journey and how each system is an integral parl of creatin...
On the Edge of Dying with Dignity
Dying is a part of living. Every culture has their beliefs about the nature of dying and what happens after we die. But what about the process of dying? Should we have a choice in the manner in which we die, if we ...
What is your inner body indicator of stress?
Do you get recurring headaches, or shoulder/neck/back/stomach pain, or have trouble sleeping, or have restless leg syndrome, or…?
Tune Out Pain. Tune Into Life with special guest Sharik Peck
Find out how you can Free your body of pain with Rezzimax Tuner Pro. Listen here or watch at
Pain 2 Purpose Life Coaching Program with Guest Melissa Walker Johnson!
P2p will assist you on your journey of discovering who you are after your greatest pain. Watch live on Facebook.
What is Transmutation?
Transmutation is magic: the alchemy of turning something very difficult or painful into healing, wisdom and growth! Watch live on Facebook.
Supercharged Self-Healing with Guest RJ Spina
Supercharged Self-Healing: A Revolutionary Guide to Access High-Frequency States of Consciousness That Rejuvenate and Repair Free Yourself, Find Yourself, Heal Yourself Leave behind...
Uprooting Addiction with Hope Payson, Filmmaker, Social Worker, and Addictions Counselor
Tune into Hungry for Answers on Thursday, 7/1 at noon as we welcome Hope Payson, Producer of the documentary, Uprooting Addiction: Healing from the Ground Up. The film takes an urgent look at the national ...
Healing Ourselves Whole with Special Guest Emily A. Francis
Emily Francis offers a refreshing perspective into healing trauma. She reveals unique knowledge of the body as a holder for memory. Emily will lead you on a path deep within yourself to rearrange the ways that pain...