Archived Episodes
Decluttering Money Energy Entanglements
Are there other emotions attached to where you receive money? Do you feel guilty because you're receiving money from a parent, a spouse, from a divorce or another source that doesn't make you feel completely free w...
How to Feel Emotionally Wealthy from the Inside Out.
There are so many changes happening on the outside, and inside of us, the only thing we can do is stay in the present moment and choose a feel good state of being. Taking responsibility for how we feel is how we ca...
The #1 Thing You Need to Master to Attract in All the Abundance
I will breakdown the #1 thing you need to master to attract in all the abundance you desire with a practical 5 step process.
Manifesting the Life of Your Dreams through Money Mastery
What to do when we are not taught about personal finance or money management in school or at home? Creating financial ease and mastery with money to manifest your dream life starts with connection. Learn the bluepr...
Are You Letting Your Story of Lack and Scarcity Define You? Are You Ready to See the Truth?
Do you continually bring your past experiences around money into the present moment? Are you recreating the same pattern around money over and over again? Are you ready to break out of scarcity energy and into the ...
Are you afraid of never having enough? Are you afraid of running out of money no matter ...
The Millionaire Imprint for Women is about activating financial empowerment for all people and most especially women. On this show today we will talk about diving deep into the self and seeing what needs to...
Dare to Dream Bigger. Call 1-800- 930-2819 and tell us your Big Dream.
Most people don’t dream big enough. It’s time to change that. This show will be about answeri...
Financial Literacy for Women. How do I get out of this money mess?
Why did I create and launch the Millionaire Imprint for Women? I'm activating a new movement about financial empowerment. To inspire Creatively Wild Women to rise rooted in spiritual and material abundance. W...
There was so much so much negative programming within me. I began to question everything:...
I was a suicidal soul, overcoming many challenges in my life, self-hatred, addictions, being a victim and feeling powerless in so many areas It’s a miracle that I am alive today.
Turn The Way You Think, Feel, and Act about Money...... Inside-Out
Once you realize that the flow of money to meet your needs and desires actually emanates from the inside - out, instead of from the outside - in, like most of us have learned through social norms, then you can begi...
Healing Core Wounds: A Way to Deeper Abundance
After practicing the law of attraction for a while, many of us have drawn in the material manifestations of food, clothing, shelter, raises, promotions and relationships. Something compels us to go deeper, where we...
Abundance Beyond Attachments and Control
Attachments give us a feeling of control – but they are finite and create a small world. We hold onto and the people, jobs and things we believe we need in order for us to be happy or feel secure. Let’s...
Abundance = Passion + Power + Creation + Focus
Is abundance not unfolding for you? Are you stuck where your desired manifestation is delayed? Let’s take a look at why our intentions are hung up in the ethers.
Big Dreams, Small Containers: Evening It Up
Do you find that you have big desires but limit how it can manifest for you? There’s a reason for that. This show walks you through how to increase the size of your personal container to accommodate your desi...
How Long Does Change Take?
We want it now. We want our new experience to unfold immediately. The suspense is too much! But why does it take longer than we want? Leslie and Dr. Pat will explain the delays and what you can do about it.
Fearing Success and What to Do About It
The fear of success can manifest in many ways. We choke the pipeline, trying to control our experience of abundance. What if we can’t handle it? Learn about your fear and what to do about it.
Courage, Truth and Authenticity: The Terrifying Trio
When we choose to embark on our soul path, we experience where we are on the scales of courage, truth and genuineness. We are living them to varying degrees but find that they are important to our ever-expanding pa...
Money Games – Who’s Winning and Who’s Not with Lynn and Dr. Pat
They say that what someone doesn’t know won’t hurt them. Unfortunately, when it comes to money, this absolutely does not apply. The headlines are full of announcements about our economy that leave most ...
Integrity With Your Energy: Alignment and Abundance
The highest form of abundance comes from aligning with the integrity of our own energy. Our energy vibrates at multiple levels and is impacted by old patterns, blocks and fears. Let’s look at how to really mo...
Abundance and Choices: Harvesting our Power with Leslie and Dr. Pat
In the moment we choose to be abundance, we experience an incredible power within us. What happens next is crucial. When we choose, we then experience ideas and direction – all of which require some action. L...
Every Moment in Life Has Prepared me for Today with Lynn and Dr. Pat
Every moment in life prepares us, not only for the next moment, but our ultimate mission on this planet. From the moment we are born, we start on a path that is designed to lead us to the best potential of ourselve...
The Internal and External Transition to Our New Consciousness
Join Dr. Pat and Co-host Lynn M. Brown as they discuss how we are shifting from our current limited state, to a higher vibration and level of consciousness – a more spiritually evolved state, free from many o...
Our Amazing Power to Create Abundance
Only when we begin to step into an intention or desire do we discover how potentially powerful we are. Then we become frightened and almost retreat from it. Why? Let’s heal that fear.