Archived Episodes
Getting Heavenly Assistance from Angels with host Kornelia Stephanie and Special Guest, M...
Anyone can get Heavenly Assistance from Angels. It is easier than you think. Tune into this show as we discuss how Michael discovered how to speak and connect with angles and how you ca...
Truth Bombs and Coffee with Kornelia Stephanie and Dr. Brook Sheehan - Episode 1
Truth Bombs and Coffee with Kornelia Stephanie and Dr. Brook Sheehan How would you handle it? 1.05 - what inspired this podcast 1.18 - thoughts about current events and reality of the...
The True Nature of Divine Love with Tom Lumbrazo
What is the meaning of our lives? It is about love. It's not about making money, greed, hate, killing, etc. What is the Difference Between Love,...
Are you taking advantage of ALL the resources and guidance available to you? Seen or Unse...
There is a team of light beings- Angels, guides, Ascended Masters and Star Families ready to support and serve YOU! Do you have an intimate relationship with your “A” Team?
Archangel Michael came into my life and changed everything. Tom Lumbrazo. Seeing the worl...
Each of us is Energy contained in a physical body. We each are Vibration. The higher the Vibration or Frequency, the closer we are to purity, to the Angels, and to our Creator.
Remember that We are all Angels, we just need to recognize that!
Seeing the world through the eyes of an angel with Tom Lumbrazo. What is our life about?
Reincarnation, Past Lives, Karma, and Comments from Dad now passed away still talking to ...
Some say Reincarnation is a theory with no proof…But Tom has lived the Proof. It seems that we all have had many past lives on Earth. Listen to Tom’s past...
The Magic of Finding Love and Peace with Tom Lumbrazo and his new book.
Tom and Caroline have been on a journey or you might say, a pilgrimage to find their destiny since Tom was saved by an Ange. Archangel Michael came into his Jeep in 2001 and gave h...
The Magic of Finding Love and Peace with Tom Lumbrazo.
The Magic of Finding Love and Peace is about the process of spiritual evolution or you might say the pilgrimage of the individual and his or her Soul. It is about the guidance of the Ang...