
Archived Episodes

The Kornelia Stephanie Show: Living Heaven on Earth

A Taste of Hakomi, with Dennis Gaither

Hakomi is a way of being with another that is, in essence, mindfulness based assisted self-study. It is experiential, focused on the present and makes use of reactions evoked by little experiments with a person in ... 

  Friday, January 25, 2019

Host: Kornelia Stephanie

Co-Host: Dennis Gaither

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The Kornelia Stephanie Show: Living Heaven on Earth

Stop the Noise. The many forms of meditation and how to use it to develop an intimate r...

In this show Empowerment Coach, Charleen Hess and I will be talking about Meditation. Charleen will share with us her own personal journey with Meditation and how she has used it to develop a deeper self-... 

  Friday, March 16, 2018

Host: Kornelia Stephanie

Co-Host: Charleen Hess

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