Archived Episodes
Self Realization and The Inner Child: Part 9 with Kornelia Stephanie and Nadine Searle
Have you connected with your inner child? The one who has been crying for your attention all your life is yearning for your love and approval. The wounded inner child is calling so that it fi...
From not good enough to enough with Kornelia Stephanie. I AM Worthy.
In this evolutionary time, you are in you may be feeling insecure about shining your light, about speaking your truth and standing up for yourself as good enough. Maybe there is someone in your life that is trigger...
What is Co-Dependency and How Do We Overcome It? with Elizabeth Childs
Co-dependency is so prolific in our culture it has become an extraordinarily common issue. We don't teach people how to feel and we don't teach people how to love themselves. Co-dependency is a need to be needed. T...
There was so much so much negative programming within me. I began to question everything:...
I was a suicidal soul, overcoming many challenges in my life, self-hatred, addictions, being a victim and feeling powerless in so many areas It’s a miracle that I am alive today.
How to find the strength TO BREAK FREE. Living in your authority.
ME TOO. the script: a return to love and peace A return to freedom A return to unconditional love; A return to self-acceptance LIVING HEAVEN ON EARTH. ME TOO. the challenge: to overcome self-hatred, vic...
Abundance Beyond Attachments and Control
Attachments give us a feeling of control. We believe we need things in our lives to unfold in a certain way for us to be happy – or satisfied. Source has a vision that is so much larger, more loving, more aligned wi...