Self Realization/Self Actualization, Authentic Sovereign Expression with Kornelia Stephanie. 1-800-930-2819
TOTALLY TRANSPORTED. To another planet right here on earth, a higher state of mind....
Most people feel they don’t have time for their dreams when they are just trying to get by. Experiencing longer work hours with fewer raises and limited options equates to reduced quality of life. When people...
Do you continually bring your past experiences around money into the present moment? Are you recreating the same pattern around money over and over again? Are you ready to break out of scarcity energy and into the ...
Set your compass to your true north where love is the action and peace is the way.
Kornelia will share how to create a powerful spiritual practice with the absolute non- negotiable basics you need to t...
How to have the courage to face your fears through vulnerability and emotional fitness. Redefining masculinity by honoring the duality of the masculine and feminine. Building resilience and happiness through advent...