Archived Episodes
The Empowered Self
From this moment in 2022, moving into 2023, we are forming the future from the empowered self. We are defining our preferred state of being/feeling from the heart. If you are like me, you choose not to allow outer ...
Tuesday, November 22, 2022
Host: Kornelia Stephanie
Guests: Susan Axelrod , Nadine Searle , Julia Paulette Hollenbery , Caurel Richards
Truth Bombs and Coffee with Kornelia Stephanie and Dr. Brook Sheehan - Episode 1
Truth Bombs and Coffee with Kornelia Stephanie and Dr. Brook Sheehan How would you handle it? 1.05 - what inspired this podcast 1.18 - thoughts about current events and reality of the...
How to Become Unshakeable
Whether you trying to shift out of money survival mode or into a more sumptuous way of living, the key is to be able to look beyond your present circumstances and into possibility. This is much easier to do when yo...
Creating Cash Flow Resiliency
Challenging times call for compassionate and courageous efforts. In this episode, Julie shares the 5 steps you can use to create cash flow resiliency, especially during a crisis, economic downturns and person...
"You Have not Lost Your Innocence: Healing Through Forgiveness" with Dennis Gaither
You have not lost your innocence. It is for this you yearn. This is your heart’s desire. This is the voice you hear and this the call which cannot be denied. ~A Course in Miracles~
Abundant wealth with Susan Glavin? Call into the show at 1-800-930-2819
Our energy is one of our most valuable resources. Do you know where your energy is flowing, and to what in your life?
The Mirror to Your Waking Life with Kelly Lydick, M.A.
Your Dreams hold invaluable insight into your beliefs, emotions, and your waking life. In this show, we’ll discuss the nature of dreams and how you can get started with your own personal dream practice.
Encore: "How to Survive the Murder of a Loved One" with Dawn Diviniste
June 8, 2012 D-Day (Life can turn on a dime)The Universe works in funny ways. Universal humor dichotomy. I’ve met people in my life in the last 6 years that have promp...
The Balance of the Divine Masculine and Divine Feminine with Kornelia Stephanie and Rober...
To Become Equals we must first balance the masculine and feminineenergies within us. We must detach from the mind and use our feelingsto tap into the eternal love that is there. We are the pioneers that...
I Have Nothing with Brooke Foreman
Big divorce, sold everything, changed my whole life to move to Kauai and start over. The rest is her-story ! A painful and shocking divorce lead Brooke to an awakening. Her decision to choose vibrant l...
How to Survive the Murder of a Loved One" with Dawn Diviniste
The Universe works in funny ways. Universal humor dichotomy. I’ve met people in my life in the last 6 years that have prompted me to share my story... “How to Survive the Murder of a Loved One.”
Project Heaven on Earth with Martin Rutte
Project Heaven on Earth: The 3 simple questions that will help you change the world … easily is a ground-breaking book. In it you&rsquo...
"How to Survive the Murder of a Loved One" with Dawn Diviniste
June 8, 2012 D-Day (Life can turn on a dime)The Universe works in funny ways. Universal humor dichotomy. I’ve met people in my life in the last 6 years that have promp...
Are you taking advantage of ALL the resources and guidance available to you? Seen or Unse...
There is a team of light beings- Angels, guides, Ascended Masters and Star Families ready to support and serve YOU! Do you have an intimate relationship with your “A” Team?
Unstoppable. You just have to keep showing up…sometimes with the peddle to the metal! Gu...
Your words are your wand. What are you creating in your world with your wand? Do you KNOW that the universe, God, your beloved is ALWAYS working on your behalf? Or do you believe l...
Ascended Living and Thriving with Kornelia. The Best in you is coming out. Your new Holo...
Set your compass to your true north where love is the action and peace is the way. Kornelia will share how to create a powerful spiritual practice with the absolute non- negotiable basics you need to t...
March for our lives. School Shootings and How you can be part of the solution, NOW.
Support for March for our lives. This show is dedicated to the brave and courageous students at Marjory Stoneman Douglas High School in Parkland, Florida who recently experienced intolerabl...
How to find the strength TO BREAK FREE. Living in your authority.
ME TOO. the script: a return to love and peace A return to freedom A return to unconditional love; A return to self-acceptance LIVING HEAVEN ON EARTH. ME TOO. the challenge: to overcome self-hatred, vic...