Welcoming the new often requires saying goodbye to something old. In this episode, Christine talks about the bittersweet choice to step into her own vibration of change as she leaves the current format of the show....
Dr. Pat Baccili talks with newfound friend Mary Kay Minifie about what people need to know when it comes to getting work done on your body. When you want to be beautiful from the inside out, you need to know the fa...
“Nothing else matters half so much, To reassure one another, To answer each other. Everyone has inside himself, -what shall I call it? A piece of good news.” ~Ugo Betti
Grassroots Citizen Diplomacy is about bringing people of diverse cultural, ethnic, religious and economic backgrounds together. I believe person to person exchanges bring grassroots understanding and weave a living...
In honor of the last show for Season One of the Millionaire Imprint for Women, Kornelia, Momo, Samantha, and Susan are dedicating this episode to a Celebration Show!!! The Gratitude Abundance Celebration! Join us f...