Archived Episodes
How to Become Unshakeable
Whether you trying to shift out of money survival mode or into a more sumptuous way of living, the key is to be able to look beyond your present circumstances and into possibility. This is much easier to do when yo...
Is Living Debt Free Really Possible? with Dawnette Palmore
Is living without debt possible? Society, banks, credit cards do not teach us that living without debt is possible. They tell us that we must have a FICO score to attain anything, to rent an apartment or buy a car....
Taking the Brave Journey into Self: Burlesque, Money, and God
Join me and Legs Malone (also known as Anna Brooke) as we talk about the many connections between Burlesque and money. How are you embracing the power of the Divine Feminine?
Creating Cash Flow Resiliency
Challenging times call for compassionate and courageous efforts. In this episode, Julie shares the 5 steps you can use to create cash flow resiliency, especially during a crisis, economic downturns and person...
Everything You Know About Money Is Changing (and that's ok)
Come and join two experts who speak to money and hear what money wants to share with the world in this time of uncertainty and change. Learn what you can do now to start shifting your relationship with money even w...
Staying Sane When You Don’t Know How
Do you like to have a plan? Do you start to feel really uncomfortable when you can't predict what's going to happen next? You certainly aren't alone, especially in all the uncertainty that surrounds us currently.&n...
Talking to your Kids about Money with Dawnette Palmore and Special Guest Julia Palmore
There are 2 uncomfortable topics we don’t talk about with our kids, its sex & money. We need to stop making these subjects taboo and talk honestly and openly about them. Join us as we not only talk about ...
Resilience, Revolutions and Revenue
Discover uncommon wisdom in times of epic, radical change from Julie and her special guest, artist, author and philanthropist, Shiloh Sophia McCloud. In this episode, they will dive deep into what makes you resilie...
Getting Real – From Real Money Pain to Transformation
Do you ever feel a disconnect when looking for answers in spiritual principles? This week's episode of Soul-Wisdom Abundance is going to get very real about money pain and how to get through to the other side. Both...
Money Smarts for Radical Times
In today’s episode, Julie welcomes her financial advisor and money genius, Scott Warner. Together they will dispel the myths of a dramatically and rapidly fluctuating stock market. They will talk ...
Money Story Breakthrough
Are you ready to go from making "just enough money" to having more than enough? Then it’s time to break up with your money story and have a breakthrough so you can break free financially. Today's show will be...
Conscious Receiving
We want what we want when we want it. But did you know that wanting and receiving what you want are two different states of being? And, we can have layers of rules that govern how and when we decide that we deserve...
Becoming A Richly Abundant Woman
If you are ready to break free financially, then it’s time to have a powerful dialog about women, wealth and entrepreneurship. Today too many women are still stuck in making just enough money even if th...
Getting the Results you Want with guest Melanie Yost
We want what we want, right? So how do you go about getting what you want? Are you an all-action person? Or, are you a lay-the-foundation-first kind of person with the action coming next? No matter your personality...
Changing the Conversation from Money to Vision Part 1 with Joan Sharp
An Empowering Conversation about Vision then money.
Money and Soul with guest Jennifer Urezzio
What's the number one way to reduce pain and suffering around money? Start looking at your money from the point of view of your Soul. How do you do that? Join me and my guest, Jennifer Urezzio, founder of Soul Lang...
Who's in charge? Take the lead in your money relationship!
Did you realize that you are in a relationship with money? This relationship shares many characteristics of the relationship you have with your best friend, with one important difference. In this episode, we ...
Show Me The Money!
Money Momentum - You’ve gotta be all in! Watch live on Facebook.
She Charged You How Much? The Surprising Message You May Be Sending About Your Pricing.
Ever thought that you might be charging too much or even too little for your product or service?Do you change your prices often because you can’t decide on what your offering is actually worth? Are
The Energy Entrepreneur: Create Your Energy Biz Plan for 2020!!! with Dianne Solano
A New Decade and a Clear Vision means 2020 is the time to take YOUR BUSINESS PLAN to the NEXT LEVEL!!! Join us for Part 2 of the Energy Entrepreneur and create your 2020 Energetic Business Plan based on the RESULTS...
Shake Out Your Money Making Truth
How do you get money in your bank account? Paycheck? Gift from the lottery Gods? What you think about money is actually more important than what you do to get money. How can that be? Let's talk about it today.
Money Mindset, Strategies, and Faith: How to Attract More Than Just Money
I can't afford it. I hate money. I never have enough. Are you telling yourself these statements? Did you know that your mindset about money either attracts money to you or repels it from you? In this episode,...
It’s the most wonderful time of the year - but what if there’s no money?
Let’s get Physical! Watch live on Facebook.
Mastering Success Habits & Behaviors with Michelle Boss
A reunion visit with the Money Boss a year after her first appearance on the Kornelia Stephanie Show.