Archived Episodes
Oops, I was triggered; OMG
The Pleiadian Wisdom Podcast with Kornelia Stephanie, Dr. Pia Orleane, and Cullen Smith
“The Topic That NO One Wants To Admit” with Special Guests, April & Jay Matta
Truth Bomb. “The Topic That NO One Wants To Admit” with Special Guests, April & Jay Matta, Spiritual Entrepreneurs
Handle the Lump, Heal your Life Part 11: Good Vibes for Great Mojo and Miraculous Health ...
Everybody talks about the importance of “good vibes”. We all want to “feel good” but did you know that “good vibrations” have finally and scientifically become a FACT for health ...
Where's my Juice? Ask and it is given with my very special guest, Susan Glavin.
Have you really contemplated the deeper questions? The ones that are at the root of your true Fulfillment, Success and Joy in life? It is truly in the depth of the questions w...
Archangel Michael came into my life and changed everything. Tom Lumbrazo. Seeing the worl...
Each of us is Energy contained in a physical body. We each are Vibration. The higher the Vibration or Frequency, the closer we are to purity, to the Angels, and to our Creator.
Unstoppable. You just have to keep showing up…sometimes with the peddle to the metal! Gu...
Your words are your wand. What are you creating in your world with your wand? Do you KNOW that the universe, God, your beloved is ALWAYS working on your behalf? Or do you believe l...
Remember that We are all Angels, we just need to recognize that!
Seeing the world through the eyes of an angel with Tom Lumbrazo. What is our life about?