Be Happy Now Show with Claudia-Sam: Flex Your Soul Connection Muscle and be Your Inner Guide to Fulfillment: Accessing Joy

Be Happy Now Show with Claudia-Sam: Flex Your Soul Connection Muscle and be Your Inner Guide to Fulfillment: Accessing Joy

  06/23/2022  03:30 pm PDT

Joy is accessible by choice. 

Be Happy Now Show with Claudia-Sam: Flex Your Soul Connection Muscle and be Your Inner Guide to Fulfillment: Accessing Joy 

Being disconnected from joy can lead us from being stuck in spirals of inner worry to bowing out of opportunities for growth.


I find that it is often both the mind and habitual actions that get in the way of choosing joy for ourselves.


It’s important to recognize the internal thought patterns and unconscious repetitive actions that we think and do, and get out of our own way so that we can live life to its full potential.


For example, if you tell yourself “I am stressed, on-the-go and have no time for myself 99.9% of the time” and it’s only true for 65% of the time, this is self-sabotage. The 35% of the time during which you’re calm, stress-free and when you prioritize yourself has no chance of success if the repeated thought counters its truth.


Same goes for the action of picking up your phone to look at what’s there even when there’s no notifications…


In this episode of the Be Happy Now show, Claudia-Sam talks about the energy frequency of our thoughts and actions, and teaches you how to access your inner thought power. She also guides you through a meditation to access joy from within.




Claudia-Sam Cataford Sauvé, your Soul Connection Coach, the Be Happy Now show

Claudia-Sam Cataford Sauvé

Be Happy Now Show with Claudia-Sam: Flex your Soul Connection Muscle and Be Your Inner Guide to Fulfillment Are you ready to ditch the self-care guilt and quit the go-go-go-...

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