The Becoming You Show with Leah Roling: Inspire, Influence, & Impact Your Life: 53. The Cure for Burn Out

The Becoming You Show with Leah Roling: Inspire, Influence, & Impact Your Life: 53. The Cure for Burn Out

  01/20/2023  09:00 am PDT

The Becoming You Show with Leah Roling: Inspire, Influence, & Impact Your Life: 53. The Cure for Burn Out Join me today as I share with you what I believe to be the cure for burn out.  Burn out is a topic that I coach around a lot.  The last couple of years has demanded a lot of us.  Demanded us to be more patient.  Demanded us to be more flexible.  Demanded us to be more compassionate.  Demanded us to learn how to lead differently, to parent differently.  Demanded us to do more.  If we were not careful the demands and the overdoing created massive amounts of burn out.  What I have found to be true in solving my own burn out and supporting clients with theirs is not necessarily one simple solution, rather a list of non-negotiables.  Listen is as I share the non-negotiables for a burn out free life.  


My hope is that we are creating a community by way of this podcast.  I wish I could get this work into the hands of every woman I know. Maybe you could help me. Who do you want to do this life with? Maybe you click the 3 dots, copy the link and send this to them.


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Leah Roling

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