The Body Talks Podcast with Dr. Brook: are you listening?: 008: Gluten | What the Wheat!?!?

The Body Talks Podcast with Dr. Brook: are you listening?: 008: Gluten | What the Wheat!?!?

  08/24/2021  05:30 am PST

The Body Talks Podcast with Dr. Brook: are you listening?: 008: Gluten | What the Wheat!?!?Wheat has not been a staple in the lives of humans for very long. In fact, in 60 years it went from hardly consumed to being part of every meal. Have our body’s taken a hit as a result?


In today’s episode, Dr. Brook shares the history of wheat, the shocking myths and facts about it, how your body responds to it, what symptoms to look out for, and how to successfully go gluten-free.


If you end up “Glutenized” – exposed to gluten; this enzyme breaks down gluten molecules quick and fast so you don’t have to suffer:


Dealing with chronic health issues but haven’t received the answers you need?


Let’s remove the guesswork out of your health by discovering exactly what your body is seeking so it can continue doing great work for you. Schedule a FREE 15-min call with me today:


Dr Brook Sheehan host on Transformation Talk Radio

Dr. Brook Sheehan

The Body Talks Podcast with Dr. Brook: Are You Listening? With passion and love, Dr. Brook teaches you how to carry on a dialogue with the greatest creation to ever exist- ...

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