The Creation Frequency Show with Mike Murphy: From struggle to freedom: how The Creation Frequency can help you overcome addiction and bad habits

The Creation Frequency Show with Mike Murphy: From struggle to freedom: how The Creation Frequency can help you overcome addiction and bad habits

  03/23/2023  05:00 pm PDT

The Creation Frequency Show with Mike Murphy: From struggle to freedom: how The Creation Frequency can help you overcome addiction and bad habitsThe podcast shares strategies for using positive affirmations and energy to help overcome addictive behaviors and compulsive habits. With inspiring stories and practical advice, this podcast provides valuable insights for anyone seeking to build a healthy mindset and break free from addiction.


Mike Murphy

Mike Murphy

Mike Murphy believes you should never take someone’s hope away, it might be all they have. He offers treatment with an integrative and holistic approach to healing wit...

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 Mei Lia  Storelee

Mei Lia Storelee

I am 40 years old I am a mom. Mike is my uncle and I have been working for him for the last 4 1/2 years. I also work with people getting clean and sober and transitioning ba...

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 Jacob Kenneally

Jacob Kenneally

While he was once struggling with chronic allergies, anxiety, feelings of lack, minimal self-confidence, and no clear direction in life, Jacob now lives in abundance and has...

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