The Golden Path with Heather Allison : #2 What are the Archetypes — and why you absolutely need to know about them...

The Golden Path with Heather Allison : #2 What are the Archetypes — and why you absolutely need to know about them...

  01/15/2019  12:00 pm PDT

The Golden Path with Heather Allison : #2 What are the Archetypes — and why you absolutely need to know about them...Your Golden Path is the best possible version of your life, the greatest experience you can have of this lifetime --- and how we get there is the balance of the Archetypal energies within us. Balance these Archetypal forces within, and everything else falls into place.

Tune in to hear how these Archetype energies are affecting your life --- and how you can shift them.

Episode giveaways:

  • Each show, send in your questions for a chance to win a FREE month of the Goddess Activation Membership — free calls with Heather, live trainings, an archive of content and teachings, giveaways and more.


Heather Allison

Heather Allison

Heather Allison is the Divine Feminine Channel, Shamanic Guide and Sacred Energetics Coach for Divine Feminine lovers, leaders and Mystics (and for any woman who can feel He...

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