The Gratitude to Bliss™ Show with Lorraine Miller: The place to be to get your Vitamin G!: Clearing the Path to Vitamin G with special guest, Marci Baron, energy healer and intuitive guide

The Gratitude to Bliss™ Show with Lorraine Miller: The place to be to get your Vitamin G!: Clearing the Path to Vitamin G with special guest, Marci Baron, energy healer and intuitive guide

  05/03/2024  09:30 am PST

The Gratitude to Bliss™ Show with Lorraine Miller: The place to be to get your Vitamin G!: Clearing the Path to Vitamin G with special guest, Marci Baron, energy healer and intuitive guideIn this amazing episode, energy healer and intuitive guide, Marci Baron walks us through a powerful, yet simple three-step protocol for processing negative feelings and releasing them. By doing this, you pave the way for connecting to gratitude, which then leads to so many other positive emotions like peace, joy, love and bliss. This is great tool to have in your toolbox any time you’re feeling stressed, overwhelmed, angry, frustrated, sad, or stuck, so be sure to check out this episode and please subscribe to the show!

BOOK GIVEAWAY: Get a free copy of Marci Baron’s book, Clear Your Way Home: Stories, Reflections and Tools to Guide You Back to the Life You’ve Always Wanted.





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Episode giveaways:

  • Book Giveaway! Get a free copy of Marci Baron’s book, Clear Your Way Home: Stories, Reflections and Tools to Guide You Back to the Life You’ve Always Wanted. Visit


Lorraine Miller Host on Transformation Talk Radio - Gratitude to Bliss

Lorraine Miller

The Gratitude to Bliss™ Show with Lorraine Miller: The place to be to get your Vitamin G! 1st & 3rd Fridays  9:30am PT / 12:30pm ET   Are you ready to...

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 Marci Baron

Marci Baron

Marci Baron is an intuitive guide and energy alchemist who offers her clients a highly personalized and luxurious experience to regulate, clear, heal + ignite the next level...

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