The Heart Leader™ Podcast: Where Heart and Mind Align with Host Amber Mikesell and Co-Host Austin Uhl: Using Vulnerability As A Tool To Break Through Limiting Beliefs

The Heart Leader™ Podcast: Where Heart and Mind Align with Host Amber Mikesell and Co-Host Austin Uhl: Using Vulnerability As A Tool To Break Through Limiting Beliefs

  02/01/2022  06:00 pm PDT

Amber Mikesell and Austin Uhl on The Heart Leader PodcastAllowing ourselves to be vulnerable can be a very scary endeavor. It opens us up to a state of emotional exposure that can make us feel uncertain about the outcome. To experience true vulnerability, we must be willing to accept the emotional risk and exposure that comes from being fully open and willing to be transparent, love fully and be loved fully in return. 


When we spend our lives in protection mode, we limit ourselves to the belief that a life of protection is a necessary one.


But what if there is a different option? One that will empower you to share how you feel, but still allow you to be cautious in the process?


Join Heart Leaders Amber Mikesell & Austin Uhl as they dive into:


▸ Why vulnerability is such an important step in personal, professional and our collective growth process - especially as heart leaders


▸ The role stress and anxiety play in vulnerability


▸ Tools and tips for breaking through the layers of protection you have placed around you, allowing you to:

  • Ask for what you want and need with care and compassion for others as well
  • Express what you truly feel and think in a kind and confident way
  • Be present, allowing you to be connected to your vulnerability


Vulnerability is such an important tool in our Heart Leader toolbox. It helps us recognize and understand our own value as a person, gives us courage to show up as our authentic selves, and strengthens our connections with those around us.


Tune in and walk with us as we strengthen this key attribute within each of us, together.



To explore more tools from The Heart Leader Program, visit The Heart Leader Toolbox


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Amber Mikesell - Founder, Suivera

Amber Mikesell

The Heart Leader™ Podcast: Where Heart and Mind Align with weekly Host Amber Mikesell and Co-Host Austin Uhl Tuesdays 6pm PT / 9pm ET The Heart Leader™ Podcast...

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Austin Uhl Host on Transformation Talk Radio

Austin Uhl

The Heart Leader™ Podcast: Where Heart and Mind Align with weekly Host Amber Mikesell and Co-Host Austin Uhl Tuesdays 6pm PT / 9pm ET   The Heart Leader™...

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