The Jenn Royster Show: Angel Messages for December Energy Shifts

The Jenn Royster Show: Angel Messages for December Energy Shifts

  12/17/2015  08:00 am PST

The Jenn Royster Show: Angel Messages for December Energy ShiftsDr Jenn Royster delivers angel messages to help you through the strong energetic shift that rolled in with the December 11th Sagittarius New Moon. How can we move through such changing times without fear taking over? The last full moon of the year will be December 25th. Big energy in the last month of 2015 prepares us for 2016. Learn how to make the most of this energy for positive change. Dream Big then Believe.

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Dr. Jenn Royster

Thursdays at 8 am PT  11  am  ET The Jenn Royster Show is an inspirational hour that explores the spiritual approach to life's challenges as your host Intuiti...

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Dr. Jenn Royster

Dr. Jenn Royster

Dr. Jenn Royster is an internationally known Intuitive Spiritual Counselor, Teacher, and Energy Healer. Well known for her innovative style in intuitive readings with angels...

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