The Kornelia Stephanie Show: Self Realization/Self Actualization, Authentic Sovereign Expression Part 4 with Kornelia Stephanie

The Kornelia Stephanie Show: Self Realization/Self Actualization, Authentic Sovereign Expression Part 4 with Kornelia Stephanie

  04/17/2020  12:00 pm PDT

The Kornelia Stephanie Show: Self Realization/Self Actualization, Authentic Sovereign Expression Part 4 with Kornelia StephanieI champion Humanity's Sovereignty the authority over one's own life as empowered creation. How can you/we create and sustain a good life for ourselves? Be In your truth, and In your power, you are rewriting the story of your life. There are no victims here. You are not alone. We know we are worth it. It's our time. The divine feminine will sustain you, tap into her; she is leading in love with love, standing for justice, harmony, honor, respect, and truth. Together we are unstoppable. #courages #alonetogether

Episode giveaways:

  • Free Gift for all. The New Spiritual- Human Love Protocol. When does the pain stop? after you feel, release the old energy, layer by layer the pain stops. You move into a neutral space with your being. The wounded child, the one who has been crying for your attention all your life, has now been loved and nurtured by you. The wounded ego has learned to let go of control and trust the higher self to be lead from the heart. The victim after many lifetimes of dedicated service work and slavery has been retired and is now free. The addict is no longer looking for something to numb or fill a void, as the addict now has chosen to fill itself with radical- self-love , nothing else will do. The wounded child, The Wounded Ego, The Victim, The Addict are no longer playing parts in your movie. From Super Soldiers to Super Love Avatars *release all negative thoughts and feelings *use your anger as a tool to liberate yourself *practice the art of letting go for the most ease *reprogram yourself every day with positivity *refuse to judge anyone, look in the mirror *up your daily self-love practice, *love the wounded child and wounded ego-free *retire the victim and the addict *process your fears into love *take full responsibility and ownership for everything *re-claim your sovereign self-empowerment *connect with nature your angels and source daily *see the gift you are, see the gift life is, *shine BRIGHT, spread your love, *joy for the greater good of all *create the world you want to live in.


the kornelia stephanie show on transformation talk radio

Kornelia Stephanie

The Kornelia Stephanie Show and Kornelia Stephanie Media Group  Fridays - From 12pm PT to 2pm PT Join Kornelia as she teaches listeners to embrace their multidimensio...

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