The Kornelia Stephanie Show: Women Who Radiate Wealth Podcast with Kornelia Stephanie and Susan Axelrod

The Kornelia Stephanie Show: Women Who Radiate Wealth Podcast with Kornelia Stephanie and Susan Axelrod

  07/09/2021  01:00 pm PDT

The Kornelia Stephanie Show: Women Who Radiate Wealth Podcast with Kornelia Stephanie and Susan AxelrodWelcome to the Women Who Radiate Wealth Podcast –where we show up as we are and Have fun in Business. Our focus is on Women’s Entrepreneurship where we Empower Female Entrepreneurs. We share with you financial and emotional self-confidence in Business while making your offer, being Intentional and Purposeful with what you want to bring to fruition.


Today we’re going to talk about building our businesses with intention and commitment but also in self-care and with core values in tact. We’re in the marathon, not the sprint; often moving slow and steady up a steep hill where we need to take a few steps, rest and go again. Taking it slowly will get you to the top of one peak where you look out and see so many other peaks to conquer. Doing it this way preserves your energy and allows your flame of enthusiasm to stay lit-not flicker or go out altogether.


Having excitement with every step, being in your own renaissance, this is the new world order of business. Welcome to our world! Kornelia Stephanie, let’s get it!



Being in your renaissance

:59 - Keeping your flame of enthusiasm lit

2:10 - Tune in to find out what’s in you, what’s being mirrored to you by those with whom you surround yourself

3:40 - Asking yourself why you’re in business for yourself, are your core values represented in that?

5:58 - Taking time to build the business with rest and relaxation built in; permission to do it in the way that works for you, in a way that your soul can stay comfortable and calm

9:20 - Knowing what’s important to you in your business, how can you do less and bring in more? Living with intentional commitment to your core values, in your highest-value space

13:00 - Creating ‘wealthy roots’ in life and business; the new rooted tree you’re growing. Kornelia Stephanie’s Wealthy Roots call, twice monthly, 9:00am/PT; membership available, $13/month. DM Kornelia on FB to join/get link.

15:51 - Your core healthy root is what builds a strong sustainable business

19:35 - Speaking to the core, no judgment. Having a strict boundary about not judging self.

23:04 - Poem recitation of ‘The Time of the Awakened Woman’

27:35 - THIS is the new world order of being in life, and of being in business


the kornelia stephanie show on transformation talk radio

Kornelia Stephanie

The Kornelia Stephanie Show and Kornelia Stephanie Media Group  Fridays - From 12pm PT to 2pm PT Join Kornelia as she teaches listeners to embrace their multidimensio...

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Susan Axelrod

Susan Axelrod

The Legacy Show with Susan Axelrod.  Susan Invites you to step into the Confidence Zone and leave your legacy. With the most provocative podcasts around—How to us...

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