The Truth is Funny Radio.....shift happens! with Host Colette Marie Stefan: Where Heart Meet Art – The one Universal process we can do to promote transformation & shifts in our lives with Marya Flurnoy

The Truth is Funny Radio.....shift happens! with Host Colette Marie Stefan: Where Heart Meet Art – The one Universal process we can do to promote transformation & shifts in our lives with Marya Flurnoy

  05/29/2019  08:00 am PDT

the truth is funny...shift happens with colette marie stefan and guest marya flurnoyIf we could teach one thing that would create breakthroughs and shifts in hundreds of lives, can we make it available to all? The Heart-Mind Continuum is a scientific and quantum explanation that allows for shifts and transformation to happen. When we combine the art of heart meditation and the childlike expression of art, we enter a quantum illusionary world that is congruent in our minds and heart space. That is the space where transformation happens.

Episode giveaways:

  • Free Gift - Heart Meditation MP3 & PDF outline for going to Heart Space. Email requests to
  • Special Offer for listeners good until June 28th - Where Heart Meets Art Course Includes 4 videos of workshop E-Book with Tools for Transformation Basic Heart Meditation MP3 Guided Meditation “Meeting your Heart Space” MP3 One Consulting Session with Marya Value $450.00 – one-time offer for viewers $99.00


colette-marie-stefan-host of the truth is funny

Colette Marie Stefan

**The Truth is Funny - **Colette and her dragons from Tails From The Vector **Nuggets of Wizdom from The Vector! Join Colette as she shares nuggets of wizdom from her book,...

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 Marya Flurnoy

Marya Flurnoy

Marya Flurnoy is a leading influencer and visionary in the world of business, as well as a personal and professional life coach, trainer and speaker. As an entrepreneur, she...

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