
Guest Profile

Annie Grattera

Annie’s passion for healing is palpable when you meet her. She knows there is no end to what we can be, how we can feel and how much connection we can have in our relationships, and you’ll feel it too, when you are with her.

As spiritual beings in human form, we are truly capable of living our unlimited potential. We are held back only by what we believe to be true about ourselves and the world around us. Annie’s work is about pulling back the layers of conditioning, attachments, expectations, and emotions that have been running the show so we can see more clearly, through a lens of compassion.  When we open our hearts to the light of who we are, we feel the freedom of living beyond our limited perspectives and circumstances. Let Annie guide you on a journey to be more of who you truly are!

Annie is a Licensed Mental Health Practitioner, Certified Healing Touch Practitioner, Certified Hypnotherapist, Yoga Instructor, Psych K Facilitator, and a powerful spiritual warrior. She offers private sessions, workshops and retreats. Online courses coming soon!
