
Guest Profile

Brandon R Foster

Brandon Foster is known as "The World's Confidence Coach," or he likes to put it, "the encourager of next-level dreams & aspirations." He helps 6 & 7 figure business owners take their mindset, their faith, and their co-creative relationship with the divine next-level to achieve next year's goals -- today.

He's been featured on Bliss to Abundance, The Lounge with Travefy, & The Awakening Series. He was also awarded Expert of the Year by Careers on Vacation, an ASTA certified travel school that received 4 Magellan Awards by Travel Weekly.

His approach to mindset is as unique as his background which includes 6 years as a professional circus clown with Ringling Bros. and Barnum & Bailey Circus, a BBA in Marketing from Texas A&M University, and an MFA in Screenwriting from Florida State University.
