
Guest Profile

Claudia-Sam Cataford Sauvé

Claudia-Sam supports ambitious women who've lost sense of their purpose, who haven't learned how to put themselves first, who deep down know that they're here for a bigger reason and who are ready for a change! She helps them to put themselves at the top of their to-do list (without the guilt) and be their own inner guides so that they can be happier NOW, using her Tune-In method.

Claudia-Sam has a Bachelor's Degree in Communication Studies, has worked nearly 10 years for Canada's biggest media conglomerate, has 3 years of experience organizing and selling corporate circus events, has more than 500 hours of Yoga Teacher Trainings & courses from all over the world (Canada, US, Europe, Indonesia, Nepal, New Zealand) and continues to transform her way of Being and grow away from limiting beliefs, daily, with the support of her own coaches.

Claudia-Sam is originally from Montreal, Canada. She left her corporate career after having panic attacks and doing +180 hours of unpaid overtime when working in the Media… to first become a yoga teacher and then onto becoming a Soul Connection Coach.

She makes it a lifestyle to turn to her intuition when making decisions, prioritizes self-care instead of putting Work (and other people's needs) first, and chooses to live through emotions and fears fully so that she can evolve into her most fulfilled way of Being right now.

Her mission is to be a positive channel for transformation, to empower you in taking ownership of your health and life path, confidently, and to coach you towards your best, most fulfilled & happiest Self NOW!
