
Guest Profile

Craig Brown

Craig Brown has served as the Recovery Pastor and Director of Celebrate Recovery at Church of the Redeemer in Gaithersburg, MD, since 1999. In his 20+ years as a Recovery Pastor, he has helped thousands of people, including business owners and professional leaders, to find the healing and freedom from shame in Christ that delivers us from pain, guilt, and shame. 


He recently released a book, Stop Hiding Start Healing: How a Top Drug Dealer Found Freedom from Addiction.  The book chronicles his journey from working for one of the biggest cocaine dealers on the east coast in the early 80's and being sucked up into the drug world and the pit of hell to getting clean now helping others.  He's 35 years sober and has spent the last 22 years serving others.


Craig is a public speaker and author. He is a former radio Local Sales Manager at Salem Communications WAVA 105.1 FM. Craig lives in the Washington DC area with his wife and three sons. Follow him on Facebook @StopHidingStartHealing and on LinkedIn at CraigBrown33.

