
Guest Profile

Dave Blanchard

Dave Blanchard is a bottom line guy who wants to get to the real issues. An all conference middle linebacker in high school and a free safety in college, Dave is not afraid to hit head on the real issues that impact success or failure in a person's life, relationships, career or business. Kevin Hall, author of the best seller Aspire, calls Dave a master communicator and masterful coach with the voice of God. Dave's response is always, radio voice, radio face.

Dave is entertaining although he never comes to entertain. His mission is to inspire, to breath life into people, encouraging them to reach deep and become the best person possible both at work and in their private lives. Dave's favorite activity occurs one-on-one in the trenches as a coach facilitating real and lasting change.

Dave is the co-developer of the Intentional Creation Assessment, the creator of the coaching program: Intentional Creation - Og Mandino for the 21st Century, and author of Today I Begin a New Life.
