
Guest Profile

Debbie Ford

Debbie Ford's first three books, The Dark Side of the Light Chasers, Spiritual Divorce and The Secret of the Shadow, are still known as groundbreaking, pioneering work in emotional and spiritual education. They take the reader on amazing journeys into the internal world, laying out the blueprint of the human psyche. They are honest, straightforward and practical. Debbies books are used by universities, teachers, lawyers, mediators, and therapists around the world to support others in a true healing of the heart. Her next two books, The Right Questions and The Best Year Of Your Life, birthed out of her innovative and unique coaching training programs, guide people and give them an outer map to follow to reach their goals, to overcome their limitations, and to make choices that empower and lead them forward. And now in her sixth book, which her publisher calls her tour-de-force, Debbie uses her 15 years as a writer, teacher, coach and speaker to pull together and expose the greatest human tragedy, the internal split that happens for each and every human as they develop and get socialized into a world of conflicts and polarities.
