
Guest Profile

Denise Cesare

Denise Cesare is a published author, keynote speaker, and social emotional learning specialist focusing her efforts to serve the needs of schools, organizations, and communities. Understanding the mental health crisis and subsequent issues that arise with limited resources to help, Denise quickly recognized the need for providing the tools and coping mechanisms to make fundamental changes starting at a young age.


Denise's first book was born out of this very need. In 2020, she quickly recognized that many children were not coping well with the experience of being quarantined in a pandemic, and many craved guidance during this very confusing time. While working daily with them, her book “Moments in Motion with Love” poured out of her.


This book illustrates the beauty of every moment, celebrates our children, and brings forth their significant connection to our planet. It is a book to start a conversation with parents and educators to heal the stress that our children are feeling. Many adult communities use the book as a resource as well for coping with their own stressors.


Denise has worked as a Speech Language Pathologist and Special Education/Social Emotional Specialist for over 25 years earning two master's degrees. In 2006, she lost her voice due to a condition called Spasmodic Dysphonia from a major car accident. Through treatment and a whole lot of faith, she has been able to regain her voice. Since that time, much has come to surface for her about the meaning of life, the importance of being present, the gift every moment offers, and the power love has to heal.


Combining her vast education, continued learning, and personal experience, currently as a keynote speaker, Denise delivers research-backed talks on regulating emotions, mindfulness education, and kindness initiatives. Most recently, Denise was featured in the Inspired Girl Lightworkers Series: Talks on Kindness and the Human Connection. In addition to the talks she gives, her wisdom has been featured online, in-print, on podcasts, and live streams in outlets around the world such as iHeart Radio, Staten Island Advance, Shout Out LA, Women Thrive, Our Voices, Bella Magazine, Wheelhouse: Women Changing the World, and This is It TV, just to name a few.


Born and raised in Brooklyn, NY, and currently resides in Staten Island with her husband Dan of 25 years. She has an amazing son, Daniel, working and living in Pennsylvania.
