Guest Profile
Dr. Elliott Maynard
Dr. Elliott Maynard is the founder of Arcos Cielos, a research center for developing new paradigms in science, education, the arts, global ecology, Future-Science Technology, and consciousness transformation. He is also an international speaker and author of many books including his latest best-selling book “Brave New Mind”.
Dr. Elliott Maynard is a neo-renaissance, leading-edge consciousness
scientist and conceptual designer who walks his talk, lives his dream
and is driven to share this information with the world. His background
spans the fields of Global Ecology, Coral Reef Ecology, Oceanography
and Tropical Rainforest Biology. He earned a Ph.D. in Consciousness
Research, and has served on the faculties of Adelphi University and
Dowling College in New York. He is a Certified Professional Consultant
to Management (CPCM) and has been active in the corporate world as
Founder, President and Technology Director for several corporations.
He has been active in the Aerospace Technology Working Group
(ATWG), the Humanitad International Leadership Foundation, the U.S.
Psychotronics Association and the World Future Society. Elliott also
serves on the editorial board for the Kepler Institute for Space
Philosophy. In addition to his work as a world futurist, lecturer, author,
educator and global ecologist, Elliott is an accomplished artist, sculptor,
musician, underwater photographer and documentary filmmaker.
Because of his unique abilities to bring future concepts into the present
and integrate them into the existing social structure, he is often referred
to by some of his colleagues as “The Human From the Future.”
You can learn more about Dr. Maynard and purchase his new book at