
Guest Profile

Eileen MacDonell

Eileen MacDonell is a fearless Intuitive Breakthrough & Performance Coach and an International Best Selling Author. She holds nothing back and loves to work with clients who are ready to play full out. Her mission is to change the legacy of scarcity in every area that touches our lives. 

As a Robbins-Madanes Certified Coach, with a speciality in business, Eileen guides clients to the results they want. By identifying the blindspots that hold them back, they release what’s not working, and move powerfully with a plan into who they truly are.

Daring to say what others won’t, she spots what mental programs are running in the background, explores what’s underneath and calls you forward to let it go. With her sharp intuition she knows when to push and when to hold space.

She takes her own growth and transformation very seriously, is always working with a coach herself, and is deeply humbled every time she gets to witness her clients’ transformational journeys. 

Eileen lives in Ontario, Canada with Super Husband Jeff and their three amazingly energetic kids. Thriving on good coffee and better chocolate, when she’s not hanging out with them, coaching, or writing, she’s reading a personal development book because the learning never ends… gratefully.
