
Guest Profile

Galia Filipova

Galia Filipova, the founder of Access Wellness Center, earned her Master of Science in Mathematics & Computer Science from Veliko Tarnovo University, Bulgaria where she also earned her Master's in Business. She started her career as a Science Teacher then moved to the USA where she became an entrepreneur.

Galia was a skeptic and total unbeliever in Holistic healing until healed by an Energy Healer in Europe. She then became a passionate believer and researcher of the subject and learned different healing techniques herself.

Her extended scientific knowledge shaped her development of realistic and analytical approaches, integrating science with proven ancient healing techniques. Galia comes from family of artists and, being an artist herself, she found the perfect combination of the scientist and artist in Energy/Color/Art Healing.

Galia's motto is: "Everything is possible and there is a hope for everyone no matter what the condition is."

