
Guest Profile

Judy Galsick

Judy has always believed in the continuity of life. With the practice and knowledge of Reiki and the power of energy healing, Judy began her mediumship development journey.  The connection to Spirit developed into the study and practice of evidential mediumship and healing.  She continues her third year of study with Dr. Judith Rochester at Lily Dale, NY where she also serves as a healer in the Healing Temple, coordinates workshops and serves as a medium for several of their events.  Judy is a certified medium through the Lisa Williams International School of Spiritual Development.  She has also had the opportunity to learn with Trance Medium Tony Stockwell and Andy Byng from the UK amongst several others.  Wanting always to be a student to continue development for service, she also aspires to serve as a trance medium and spiritual artist.   Judy also teaches spiritual workshops for others’ development.


Judy holds a Bachelor’s of Science in Education and has worked in the education, human services and social work field for over 30 years.
