
Guest Profile

Kristy Scher

Our capacity for self-attunement, self-nourishment, and self-love IS our capacity to embody the truth of who we are.

As a former perinatal nurse, Kristy realized the essence of her work was teaching a mother how to attune to and nurture herself so she could attune to and nurture her baby.  She witnessed this in women again and again: when our needs for attunement and nurturing are met, profound emotional and spiritual growth happens organically.  And this, in turn, enables a woman to live, love and create from her wholeness. 

This is the heart of Kristy's work: helping women recover their innate capacity for exquisite, loving self-attunement.  She believes that self-attunement, self-nurturing, and self-love feed a woman. And a full woman feeds the world.

In addition to offering individual and group coaching, Kristy writes and teaches about mothering, sensuality, and love. Read more of her work and connect with her on Facebook.
