
Guest Profile

Len Cotton

Len-Erna Hoakalei Woo Cotton was born in Honolulu, Hawaii over 732 moons ago. She is of Hawaiian/ Chinese ancestry and was raised on a flower lei farm in Makaha. The beautiful surrounding mountains and the ocean were a great inspiration to her. Throughout her life, Len has nurtured and cultivated her natural "Clair Senses" and has assisted many on their life journey. She weaves these gifts into her "INTUIT Coaching" practice.

As a Transformational Artist she has many credentials in the Healing Arts field. She was awarded a 'Master of Life Science' Order of the Essenes and is a Kahu Keeper of the ancient Hawaiian practice of Po'ohuna. Len is also a Djedu of a Pre-dynastic Ancient Egyptian Teachings held by a women's lineage. And as an ordained minister of her "Light Being" Church, she brings forth her many gifts at this time.

HEALTHLIGHT CENTER is the name of her healing arts business.
Her Performance Art includes 30 yrs. of teaching Oriental Danse Belly Dance in Hawaii and nationally. As Kahu Hoakalei of Halau Kameleokalani in Bellingham, Washington, she teaches hula, ukulele and Hawaiian culture. She loves to compose songs and plays various types of instruments.

Also as a Visual Artist, her mixed media works have won many awards and her Recycled Art & Trash Goddess fashions were on the cutting edge over 20 yrs. ago. She continues to explore new avenues of artistic expression.

She says "May we see the beauty and love in all our creations."
