
Guest Profile

Marya Flurnoy

Marya Flurnoy is a leading influencer and visionary in the world of business, as well as a personal and professional life coach, trainer and speaker. As an entrepreneur, she developed and implemented processes that guaranteed success in six businesses owned with her husband Ron. In her leading business of Interior Design, she is a master interior designer, creating spaces for over 1000 homes throughout the USA, while training and mentoring designers for the past 27 years. Her passion and mission is to provide tools that support and empower people to ignite their dreams, unleash their potential, and fulfill their purpose.

Through one of her companies JBI (Just Be It), Marya along with her husband Ron and assistant April Skye, provide workshops and courses in Abundance, Life Direction, Purpose and Meditation—acting as a catalyst for personal empowerment.

Her training and qualifications, along with Interior Design, are in Processolgy and Theta Healing. Marya is also a Science of Mind Minister at First Unity Spiritual Campus in St. Petersburg, Florida. Programs and certifications she has developed are “Home Enhancing”, SMART Start, Abundance Now, and Where Heart Meets Art.
