
Guest Profile

Miriam Cunha

Miriam Cunha (also known as Yonisha as an artist, and Itzá Hunab Ku, her spiritual name) has dedicated all her life to different philosophical, theological, esoteric and spiritual studies, and practices. She is the founder of Yonisha Rhythms through which she facilitates power transformational experiences of body, mind and soul.

Her journey has awakened her inner shaman power, and has led her to become a facilitator of different healing arts and transformative experiences.

Along her path, she has become a Reiki Master, a Laughter Yoga facilitator, an Ethnic Dances instructor, a Tarot Reader and Psychic, Writer, Graphic Artist, and a Musician.

Miriam has spent several years studying the Mayan culture and the Mayan Tzolkin calendar in Guatemala, her place of birth. She has also studied in depth several esoteric traditions and experienced different paths of self-knowledge in Brazil, the country where she grew up. During the time she lived in Rio de Janeiro city, Miriam has studied Economics, Graphic Arts, Ethnic Dances, and music with her father, a famous professional musician from Brazil.

In Canada, she has a couple of published books, and one of them – Stories from Inside the Mirror – can be found online at She is presently working on her third book, which will reflect her metaphysical and esoteric knowledge and channeled information.

She is always researching different paths of human physical, emotional, and spiritual evolution, and uses her psychic abilities to channel important and helpful information to walk the path.

She is actually dedicating herself to the studies and practice of sound and music healing. Her two most recent projects include the music band Rainbow Rhythms created with the objective to spread colors, music and happiness, and Blue Magic, a impromptu live channeled music presentation with crystal bowls, didgeridoo, flutes, percussion, drumming, sacred chanting, and other sounds.

Miriam channels information specially through her graphic art, writings, music, drumming, dancing and psychic readings, and facilitates workshops and courses on different topics:
-The Mayan Tzolkin Sacred Calendar
-Mayan and Shamanic ceremonies
-Laughter Yoga
- Live Music and Chanting Meditation
-Metaphysics and Occultism
-Sacred Geometry and Symbolism
-Awakening Wisdom through Sound & Movement
-Spiritual Survival boot camp
-Divination tools and intuition development
-Alchemy of dance-Body and vocal expression
-The Sacred side of Belly Dance
-Chakras Meditation
-The Power of Colors in your life
-Feminine Inner Alchemy
