
Guest Profile

Russell Feingold

Russell Feingold is a modern day Shaman, master healer and inspirational speaker. Born with the profound gift of being highly energetically sensitive, Russell had a mystical experience at the age of twenty that awakened him to a reality he never could have imagined.

Life then took him on a journey of discovering how to integrate that new awareness into his daily life, work and relationships. He now expertly guides others on a deep integration path as well.

In his illuminating book Heart Wisdom, Russell reveals the 9-step Heart Wisdom core process that he has shared with thousands of people to guide them to the truth of who they really are and how to live that truth on a daily, moment to moment basis through their life, work and relationships.

While reading Heart Wisdom, you will utilize the 9 keys of Heart Wisdom to calm your inner unrest, master your own mind, become fully present to the true nature of reality and your own true nature and discover the ultimate liberation this knowledge brings. You will then be guided to integrate this awareness into your daily life.

As you go through your own awakening process, you may find challenges come up with integration into the reality of your own life as you integrate your awakening into your work and your relationships.

How do you live what you know is true in a world when what is true for you is so foreign to most everyone else?

When you engage with Russell, he will guide you to unravel the stress, tension and fear that may have kept you from living the life you know is really possible.

As a professional speaker, Russell is known for electrifying every audience he comes in contact with. His message is simple, potent and timely: The world doesn't need more information - it needs more heart, soul and authentic caring. &8232;&8232;Russell has presented at events alongside such well-known authors and presenters as Robert F. Kennedy, Jr., Caroline Myss, Rev. Michael Bernard Beck with The Secret, and Andrew Harvey, and has been noted in LA Weekly's "Best of LA" for his Transformational Coaching.

His talks, programs and 9-step Heart Wisdom process guide you on a magical journey that heals your heart from past wounds and opens you to sacred union with yourself and others. For more information visit
