
Guest Profile

Sagar Constantin

Sagar Constantin is a bestselling Scandinavian author with more than seven books. She writes stories that are both captivating but also highly inspirational. The In-Between series came to Sagar on her way home from a business trip to India, and she instantly knew that this was a story that she had to share with the world. Her deep desire to bring awareness to the world is done most elegantly in these books. She has a remarkable ability to make psychological issues easy to understand and comprehend, and through her reading, it is possible to grow inside and at the same time be highly entertained. Sagar is also an international speaker and lecturer for businesses. Every year, she trains thousands of people in personal development, change management, EQ, and High-performance teams.

When she is not writing and teaching, she loves to spend time with her family and enjoys nature walks. Sagar lives in Denmark but travels the world with her work. 
