
Guest Profile

Stephanie Bennett Vogt

Stephanie Bennett Vogt, MA, is a leading space clearing expert, teacher, and author with five books including Your Spacious Self: Clear the Clutter and Discover Who You Are, A Year to Clear: A Daily Guide to Creating Spaciousness in Your Home and Heart, and A Year for You: Release the Clutter, Reduce the Stress, Reclaim Your Life. She brings forty years of teaching experience to SpaceClear, the practice she founded in 1996 to help homes and people come into balance. She has taught her inspiring clearing programs at centers worldwide including Kripalu and the New England School of Feng Shui, and is the creator of four bestselling online courses, offered on DailyOM, which have attracted nearly 200,000 participants. To learn more about Stephanie and her Spacious Way to clearing and living your best life please visit:
