
Guest Profile

Trent Brock

Trent Brock is from North Louisiana and graduate of Louisiana Tech University with an MBA/IT degree.  He is a world traveler, international small business entrepreneur and 3X terminal cancer overcomer.  


Trent overcame hip cancer, which left him disabled in a wheelchair or crutches over five years.  Then lung cancer, they only took out one lobe so he is still breathing lol!  And saved the best for last, the kiss of death pancreatic cancer with less than a 5% change to survive.  I call that a "Cancer Conqueror!"  Trent recently sold his business overseas.  He has transitioned over the last year to a life/cancer journey coach, motivational speaker/podcast guest (30+ appearances in the last year) and best selling co-author in "Breaking the Silence:  Voices of Survivors Vol 1."

