
Guest Profile

Trish Smith

Trish is on a mission. She is a holistic life coach, specializing in supporting mothers of children with special needs and grief support. She is a trained death doula with INELDA. She has cared for the dying. Trish is educated in Early Childhood Education. She has worked with thousands of children over the last 25 years, including children with autism, cerebral palsy, ADHD, emotionally disturbed, bipolar, and schizophrenia. She is the author of “The Catch of the Day,” a children’s book. Trish and her family have served as foster parents as well as hosted an exchange student a few times. She volunteered in the nursery of the church her family attended as a facilitator for over a decade.

She also offers NeurOptimal® brain training in her office for in-person clients. Trish completed the basic certification course to better serve her clients using this advanced brain training system. This dynamical neurofeedback brain training tool is just one of the many tools that she offers. She also utilizes such tools as the Emotional Freedom Technique, yoga, sound healing, and breathing techniques. These practices aid in developing the recovery of and maintaining inner peace. They are tools and practices that she has gained and used in her journey of living with PTSD over the last 20+ years.

Helping her clients connect the dots between body, mind, and spirit is where her passion lies. She believes that it is imperative to understand how gut health affects mental health and provides her clients with suggestions for dietary adjustments with the goal of reducing inflammation for optimal results. “After all, we are currently occupying this vessel we call the human body,” she explains. Trish hopes to guide clients toward the understanding that every cell in our bodies responds to our thoughts. She believes that by honoring our spiritual needs, we will fall into alignment with honoring our bodies and our minds as well. Her experience with living a life in alignment has fueled her desire to guide, encourage and support others on their path of self-discovery, self-care, and self-love.

In her personal life, Trish enjoys soaking up her family and friends. She has been married for over 21 years, has two sons, and has recently been blessed with a grandson. She teaches and practices yoga. She loves exploring, whether it’s in nature or the depths of her own soul. One of her ongoing adventures is hosting a new moon and full moon celebration gathering. Her husband makes meals for a small group of fierce women who love his cooking. They dance, they cry, they laugh, they drum around the fire and yes, they howl at the moon. She describes these evenings as “liberating. She hopes to inspire others to gather in their own way and celebrate our primal being that is living just under the surface of our day-to-day.

Her mission is this; Heal for Peace. Trish has been channeling divine information for as long as she can remember, but only began conversing with loved ones passed and others 25 years ago. She had yet to realize that this gift that has served her so well would also become such a blessing to those whom she shared it with. It is now her mission to share the wisdom that comes through her with others. “We must hold ourselves accountable in our healing process if we wish for world peace,” says Trish as she explains her devotion to fostering understanding among everyone she encounters. Working with Spirit is her duty, as she explains it. She has done her best to serve Source in the ways that she has been called to do so over her lifetime. Sometimes it’s reaching out to others upon Spirit’s request. Other times it is aiding spirits that have crossed over in need of assistance to get to the Light. What she does know is that she will find the courage to answer Source’s call again and again, whatever that may look like. She loves “getting in the trenches and getting her hands dirty.

“I consider my path very sacred. Therefore, should I have the opportunity to share time with you, I pray that I am able to touch you in a way that lifts your spirit if only in the slightest way.” - Trish Smith
