
Guest Profile

Twila Brase

Twila Brase, R.N., is president and co-founder of the Citizens’ Council for Health Freedom, the nation’s most active health care policy research and educational organization, promoting the principles of free market health care, freedom in health care decision-making, and protection of patient privacy, physician autonomy and patient dignity.


She provides commentary for the one-of-a-kind Health Freedom Minute, provides testimony at the state legislature, meets with members of Congress, and speaks around the country. She has been interviewed on CNN, Fox News, NBC Today Show, among others, and her quotes appear in publications of the Associated Press, The Wall Street Journal, The Washington Post and others.


Twila was recently named as one of the 100 Most Powerful People in Healthcare by Modern Healthcare Magazine.



Here is a glimpse of what her organization offers:


As health care costs skyrocket, as government health care implodes and as relationships with doctors take a back seat, patients nationwide are looking for practices where they come first—where health care goes “back to the future.”


That search just got a little easier.


Hundreds of doctor’s offices and medical clinics are already operating by health freedom-embracing principles, but they are largely invisible to the public. Patients either don’t know they exist or don’t know how to find them.


But now, Citizens’ Council for Health Freedom (CCHF, has unveiled the first wave of practices that have joined The Wedge of Health Freedom (, a free-trade zone for health care where doctors are not bound by the shackles of government health care nor restrictive contracts with managed care corporations.


In all, more than 130 practices in nearly 40 states have joined The Wedge—a new way of doing health care that gives patients and doctors a roadmap to find each other and engage in a direct relationship, providing affordable and confidential patient care.


“Today’s health care system is filled with a maze of costly, intrusive and restrictive regulatory controls over the practice of medicine and the delivery of health care services,” Brase said. “Patients and doctors are both experiencing delays and denials. In short, the mission of medicine—taking care of patients—is being lost to the business of health care. The Wedge of Health Freedom opens the door to a patient-doctor relationship that is trusted, ethical, caring and affordable. And we aim to make the invisible visible through The Wedge, and then expand its reach. It’s the ethical way health care was and what it must become again.”


CCHF is branding this revolutionary, affordable back-to-the-future option as The Wedge of Health Freedom to draw the public’s attention to the patient-centered slice of American health care.

