
Guest Profile

Wendy Havlir Cherry

Wendy is trained as a Contemplative Psychotherapist and has been in private practice for nearly a decade in Colorado and New Mexico. She holds 3 Master’s Degrees, two from St. John’s College (the first in Eastern Classics & Philosophy with a Sanskrit concentration; and the second in Liberal Arts). Her 3rd Master’s is in Contemplative Psychotherapy & Counseling from Naropa University in Boulder, Colorado. During her undergrad studies, she majored in Cultural Anthropology with a specialization in Mayan Civilization and Ancient Culture and Pueblo Cultures of the American Southwest. All of her education has greatly fed and influenced her practices today.

Wendy combines professional and academic applications with esoteric wisdom, mysticism, and life experience grounded in practical devotions and daily practices. Both her personal and professional life are infused with writing, mindfulness, altar-building, sacred space creation, ritual, the shamanic sacred arts, and ceremony.

The Mistress of Longing is her second book, published by Womancraft Publishing. Her first is The Reach is (W)holy; Poetry Inspired by the Sacred.
