Spirit Fire Radio: Encore: Kids at Play (with Yoga)

Spirit Fire Radio: Encore: Kids at Play (with Yoga)

  08/10/2016  09:00 am PDT

We have done several shows in which the topic of children comes to the forefront. Why? They are constant reminders that we are here to experience wonder and joy! We have also done several shows on yoga as it is fast becoming a doorway for the masses to enter into a more spiritual daily existence. Check Antifonario knows both of these topics well... she trains folks in the beautiful practice of Radiant Child Yoga. Here's tidbit about this program: "Children are inherently wise, radiant, and joyful. Through yoga, awareness, and love, we help them maintain or recover their innate connection to who they truly are. Radiant Child® empowers adults to share the magical and practical benefits of yoga with children." We're in!Checka has traveled to some of the most sacred spots of the planet to deepen her yoga practice through a connection to nature and she's traveled to some of the most sacred spots within the heart through a connection to kids... we want to hear about it all.

Checka (E-RYT, RCYT) is deeply committed to maintaining a welcoming and inclusive space for practice and community. She offers mindful and safe sequencing along with compassionate and skilled assists in her Vinyasa flow classes. She equally enjoys the quiet and healing element of more reflective, restorative yoga, and offers the loving-kindness of Reiki energy work to enrich these classes. Checka is also invested in sharing yoga with children of all ages and leads Radiant Child Yoga teacher trainings throughout the country. 


Steve Kramer

Steve Kramer

Tune in with Spirit Fire Radio. Listen live every Wednesday @ 9am pacific / 12pm eastern.   Purposeful living, practical spirituality... they sound like concepts...

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 Checka Antifonario

Checka Antifonario

Checka (E-RYT, RCYT) is deeply committed to maintaining a welcoming and inclusive space for practice and community. She offers mindful and safe sequencing along with compass...

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